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Veterinary Interview Course
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Veterinary Anatomy
Veterinary Anatomy - Lesson 1 - A Beginner's Guide to Anatomy (7:13)
Veterinary Anatomy - Lesson 2 - Approaching Anatomy Stations (3:39)
Veterinary Anatomy - Lesson 3 - Walkthrough - Anatomy MMI Station (8:31)
Veterinary Anatomy - Lesson 4 - MMI Stations Anatomy 1-5 (23:22)
Veterinary Anatomy - Lesson 5 - MMI Stations Anatomy 6-10 (20:04)
Veterinary Ethics
Veterinary Ethics - Lesson 1 - Introduction to Veterinary Ethics (9:59)
Veterinary Ethics - Lesson 2 - Approaching Ethical Stations (9:00)
Veterinary Ethics - Lesson 3 - Walthrough: Ethics MMI Station (6:20)
Veterinary Ethics - Lesson 4 - MMI Stations Ethics 1-5 (22:36)
Veterinary Ethics - Lesson 5 - MMI Stations Ethics 6-10 (15:37)
Veterinary Prioritisation
Veterinary Prioritisation - Lesson 1 - Introduction to Prioritisation (8:28)
Veterinary Prioritisation - Lesson 2 - Prioritisation in Group Stations (7:31)
Veterinary Prioritisation - Lesson 3 - Walkthrough - Prioritisation MMI Station (9:39)
Veterinary Prioritisation - Lesson 4 - Prioritisation MMI Stations 1-5 (22:17)
Veterinary Prioritisation - Lesson 5 - Prioritisation MMI Stations 6-10 (22:27)
Communication & Role Play
Communication & Role Play - Lesson 1- Approaching Potentially Difficult Scenarios in Practice (13:34)
Communication & Role Play - Lesson 2- Difficult Patients MMI Practice (14:39)
Communication & Role Play - Lesson 3- Picture Station MMIS (25:06)
Communication & Role Play - Lesson 4- Curveball Scenario MMIS (14:10)
Communication & Role Play - Lesson 5- Role Play MMIS (10:47)
University by University
Bristol Veterinary (MMI)
Cambridge Veterinary (MMI)
Edinburgh Veterinary (MMI)
Glasgow Veterinary (MMI)
Harper-Keele Veterinary (MMI)
Liverpool Veterinary (MMI)
Nottingham Veterinary (MMI)
Surrey Veterinary (MMI)
Vet Interview Textbook
Vet Interview Textbook
Veterinary Work Experience
Veterinary Work Experience - Lesson 1: Introduction to Work Experience (2:34)
Veterinary Work Experience - Lesson 2: Tips for Work Experience (3:43)
Veterinary Work Experience - Lesson 3: Walkthrough: Work Experience MMI Station (10:56)
Online Course Feedback
Online Course Feedback Form
1. Discussing your Skills (NEW) (8:30)
2. Inspiration and Emotion (5:49)
3. Teamwork & Leadership (NEW) (8:27)
4. Organisation and Time Management (8:11)
5. Scenarios (2:30)
6. Academia (5:02)
7. Creative Questions (4:01)
8. What is your Biggest Weakness? (8:47)
Mock Multiple Mini Interviews (Veterinary, Medicine, Dentistry)
Guide for Vet Applicants
Station 1 (Model Applicant) (2:36)
Station 1 (Average Applicant) (2:51)
Station 2 (Average Applicant) (2:44)
Station 2 (Model Candidate) (2:37)
Station 3 (Model Applicant) (3:07)
Station 3 (Average Applicant) (3:35)
Station 4 (Model Applicant) (3:05)
Station 4 (Average Applicant) (0:43)
Station 5 (Average Applicant) (2:20)
Station 5 (Model Applicant) (4:07)
Station 6 (Average Applicant) (3:35)
Station 6 (Model Candidate) (3:31)
Station 7 (Model Candidate) (4:20)
Station 7 (Average Applicant) (4:07)
Station 8 (Model Applicant) (2:51)
Station 8 (Average Candidate) (2:57)
Station 9 (Average Applicant) (4:31)
Station 9 (Model Candidate) (3:06)
Station 10 (Average Applicant) (3:20)
Station 10 (Model Candidate) (3:28)
Station 11 (Average Applicant) (3:07)
Station 11 (Model Applicant) (1:34)
Station 12 (Average Applicant) (2:22)
Station 13 (Model Candidate) (2:21)
Station 13 (Average Applicant) (2:17)
Station 13 (Poor Applicant) (3:52)
Station 14 (Model Applicant) (5:08)
Station 15 (Model Applicant) (3:49)
Station 16 (Model Applicant) (3:25)
Data Interpretation, Roleplay & Communication (From Dentist Mind Course)
1. Approaching Roleplay (8:45)
2. Communication MMIs (13:11)
3. Describing Picture MMIs (8:13)
4. Curveball Roleplay MMIs (8:46)
5. Approaching Data Interpretation (3:38)
6. Data Interpretation MMIs (12:55)
7. Approaching Calculations (4:59)
8. Calculation MMIs (2:59)
MMI: Multiple Mini Interview
Guide for Vet Applicants
MMI - Live: Personality & Skills (4:35)
MMI Role Play - How to Approach Role Plays (4:28)
MMI Role Play - Live: Breaking Bad News (7:03)
MMI Data - Describing an Image Station (6:11)
MMI Data - Live: Data Stations (7:05)
MMI Role Play - Breaking Bad News (7:10)
MMI Role Play - Angry Patient (3:08)
MMI Data - Graph Analysis Stations (4:49)
MMI Role Play - Live: Personality & Skills (8:07)
Top Tips for Online Interviews (2:51)
How Online Interviews Work (4:28)
Oxbridge (useful for Data Interpretation for ALL applicants, and Cambridge Vet Applicants)
Oxbridge Mock Interview 1 - Haemoglobin (10:35)
Oxbridge Mock Interview 2 - Vaccines (13:52)
Oxbridge Mock Interview 3 - Antibiotics (7:42)
Oxbridge Mock Interview 4 - Body Fluid (6:19)
Oxbridge Mock Interview 5 - Heart (8:45)
Oxbridge Mock Interview 6 - Influenza (14:33)
Oxbridge Mock Interview 7 - Genes (9:30)
Oxbridge Mock Interview 8 - Brain (10:31)
Oxbridge Mock Interview 9 - COVID-19 (15:06)
Oxbridge Mock Interview 10 - Respiration (5:55)
Cambridge - Mock Interview Analysis 1 (23:54)
Cambridge - Mock Interview Analysis 2 (28:54)
Oxbridge Scenario: Neoplasia
Oxbridge Scenario: Genes (2)
Oxbridge Scenario: Pharmacology
Oxbridge Scenario: Mitochondria
Oxbridge Scenario: Stem Cells
Oxbridge Scenario: Cystic Fibrosis
Oxbridge Scenario: Amino Acids
Oxbridge Scenario: Neuro-muscular Junction
Oxbridge Scenario: Action Potential
Oxbridge Scenario: Immune System
Cardiovascular Function (21:04)
Clinical Trials (39:10)
Ethics (24:35)
Experimental Design (30:19)
Oxygen Transport (26:42)
Oxbridge Scenario: Amino Acids
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