Oxbridge MAT and TMUA Online Course
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Course Curriculum
MAT & TMUA Course
Available in
after you enroll
StartHow to Use the Tutorials for TMUA or MAT
Start1. Exam Tips (MAT Only) (10:55)
Start2. Problem Solving (33:24)
Start3. Algebra: Equations and Inequalities (36:57)
Start4. Coordinates and Graph Transformation (19:24)
Start5. Trigonometry (21:27)
Start6. Geometry: Lines (12:22)
Start7. Geometry: Circles (23:35)
Start8. Polynomials (17:19)
Start9. Algebra: Counting (28:26)
Start10. Functions (15:04)
Preview11. Differentiation (26:00)
Start12. Plotting Graphs (28:07)
Start13. Sequences and Series (17:49)
Start14. Procedures and Games (MAT Only) (31:32)
Start15. Integration (22:36)
Start16. Number Theory (18:16)
Start17. Radians, Shapes and Measures (TMUA Only) (25:24)
Start18. Statistics and Probability (TMUA Only) (44:54)
Start19. The Logic of Arguments (TMUA Only) (55:40)
Start20. Mathematical Proof and Identifying Proof Errors (TMUA Only) (39:24)
Oxbridge Mind - Question Bank
Available in
after you enroll
TMUA Past Papers
Available in
after you enroll
Start2021 | TMUA Past Papers - 1
Start2021 | TMUA Past Papers - 2
Start2020 | TMUA Past Papers - 1
Start2020 | TMUA Past Papers - 2
Start2019 | TMUA Past Papers - 1
Start2019 | TMUA Past Papers - 2
Start2018 | TMUA Past Papers - 1
Start2018 | TMUA Past Papers - 2
Start2017 | TMUA Past Papers - 1
Start2017 | TMUA Past Papers - 2
StartTMUA Specimen Paper - 1
StartTMUA Specimen Paper - 2
StartTMUA Practice Paper - 1
StartTMUA Practice Paper - 2
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.