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Dentistry Interview Course 🦷
Interview Tutorials for Dentistry & Medicine
Live MMI - Personality & Skills (4:35)
MMI Data - Graph Analysis Stations (4:49)
MMI Role Play - Angry Patient (3:08)
MMI Data - Describing an Image Station (6:18)
MMI Data - How to Approach Data Stations (7:05)
MMI Role Play - How to Approach Role Plays (4:28)
MMI Role Play - Live: Breaking Bad News (7:10)
MMI Role Play - Breaking Bad News (7:03)
MMI Interview Analysis | Tying a Shoelace (7:27)
MMI Interview Analysis | Breaking Bad News (8:47)
MMI Interview Analysis | Personality & Insight into Medicine (6:47)
MMI Interview Tips: Work Experience Questions (5:28)
MMI Interview Top Tips (4:58)
MMI Interview Analysis: Medical Ethics (6:32)
MMI Interview Analysis | Video Consultations (7:23)
How Online Interviews Work (4:33)
Top Tips for Online Interviews (2:51)
MMI Mocks
MMI Mock 1
MMI Mock 2
MMI Mock 3
Motivation for Dentistry
1. Why Dentistry? (4:21)
2. Dentistry Specialties (2:07)
3. Wider Reading (2:13)
4. Why not Nursing or Medicine? (6:59)
5. What would you like to achieve in your dental career? (1:18)
6. Important Qualities of Being a Dentist (2:16)
7. What are some of the challenges of being a dentist? (2:00)
8. Motivation for Dentistry MMI Part 1 (7:23)
9. Motivation for Dentistry MMI Part 2 (4:08)
10. Motivation for Dentistry MMI Part 3 (5:55)
11. Motivation for Dentistry Part 4 (8:56)
Personality and Empathy
1. Skills and Qualities (8:01)
1. Discussing your Skills (8:30)
2. Inspiration and Emotion (3:45)
2. Inspiration and Emotion 2 (5:49)
3. Teamwork & Leadership (8:42)
3. Teamwork and Leadership (9:34)
4. Organisation & Team Management (5:10)
5. Personality Scenarios (3:06)
6. Academia & Motivation (7:40)
7. Thinking Outside the Box (4:39)
8. Manual Dexterity (4:14)
9. Personality MMI Focus 1 (2:28)
10. Personality MMI Focus 2 (5:35)
11. Personality MMI Focus 3 (5:36)
12. Personality MMI Focus 4 (5:50)
Dental Ethics
1. Top Tips for Dental Ethics (4:04)
2. 4 "Medical" Pillars (3:49)
3. General Dental Council (3:16)
4. GDC 1 Putting Patients First (5:53)
5. GDC 2 communicating effectively (5:51)
6. GDC 3 Obtaining Consent (3:40)
7. GDC 4 Protecting Patients (6:07)
8. GDC 5 Complaints Procedure (3:52)
9. GDC 6 - Working With Colleagues (5:47)
10. GDC 7 working with capabilities (4:00)
11. GDC 8 Raising Concerns (5:13)
12. GDC 9 Personal Behaviour (7:11)
13. Bonus Ethical Scenario (3:03)
Cardiff Dentistry
Sheffield Dentistry
Newcastle Dentistry
Bart's Dentistry
Manchester Dentistry
UCLan Dentistry
King's Dentistry
Plymouth Dentistry
Liverpool Dentistry
Hana (Y4 Dentist at Manchester)
Manchester Background Info (8:07)
Hana's 5 Tips for Manchester Interview (5:27)
Hana's 5 Tips for MMIs (5:04)
Elizabeth (Y4 Dentist at Dundee)
Dundee Background Info (18:14)
Elizabeth' Interview Experience at Dundee (11:40)
Elizabeth's 5 Tips for Dundee Interview (12:33)
Elizabeth's Top Tips for MMIs (13:48)
Harriet (Y4 Dentist at Bristol)
Bristol Background Info (11:44)
Harriet's Experience at Bristol (13:03)
Harriet's 5 Tips for Bristol Interview (2:48)
Data Interpretation & Communication
1. Approaching Roleplay (8:45)
2. Communication MMIs (13:11)
3. Describing Picture MMIs (8:13)
4. Curveball Roleplay MMIs (8:46)
5. Approaching Data Interpretation (3:38)
6. Data Interpretation MMIs (12:55)
7. Approaching Calculations (4:59)
8. Calculation MMIs (2:59)
Dental Conditions
1. Why Patients Undervalue their Teeth (6:04)
2. Barriers to Oral Health (8:48)
3. Gum Disease and Periodontitis (3:07)
4. Diabetes, The Heart & Gum Disease (2:54)
5. Oral Cancer (2:11)
6. Preventative Dentistry (5:40)
7. Amalgam and Composite (5:19)
8. Crowns and Root Canal Treatment (4:24)
9. Smoking and Tobacco (4:23)
Work Experience
1. Common Questions (6:30)
2. General Dental Practice (5:23)
3. Hospital Dentistry (4:29)
4. Private Practice - Orthodontic Clinic (3:46)
5. MMI Focus A Typical Station (2:02)
NHS Dentistry
1. Background of NHS (11:36)
2. Units of Dental Activity (6:14)
3. NHS Price Bands (3:55)
4. NHS Traffic Light System (4:58)
5. Sugar Tax (8:04)
6. Fluoridation of Water (4:40)
7. Spending Money in NHS (4:09)
8. NHS v Private Care (4:51)
9. Making Dental Care Free (4:23)
10. NHS Dentistry MMI 1 (3:43)
11. NHS Dentistry MMI 2 (4:13)
12. NHS Dentistry MMI 3 (4:04)
13. NHS Dentistry MMI 4 (4:29)
Dentistry E-Book + Practice Questions
E-Book and Questions
6. GDC 3 Obtaining Consent
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