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Weekly A-level Chemistry Recordings
Chemistry Recordings - 2023-2024
08/01/2023 Kc + Kp (50:53)
15/01/2023 Redox equations (11:00)
22/01/2023 - Thermodynamics (56:36)
29/01/2023 - Rate Equations
05/02/2023 - Electrode potentials and Cells (46:07)
12/02/2023 - Acid and Bases (60:04)
19/02/2023 - Aromatic Chemistry (66:31)
26/02/2023 - Carbonyl Compounds (50:04)
05/03/2023 - Amines, Amino Acids and DNA (47:10)
12/03/2023 - NMR Spectroscopy (44:00)
16/04/2023 - Ionic and Covalent Bonding (64:06)
07/05/2023 - Atomic Structure (61:13)
14/05/2023 - Percentage Yield (58:25)
21/05/2023 - Balancing Equations (56:33)
04/06/2023 - Empirical and Molecular Formula (25:41)
11/06/2023 - Ideal gas equation (49:23)
18/06/2023 - Balanced equations and calculations (81:21)
02/07/2023 - Bond Polarity and Forces between molecules (40:43)
09/07/2023 - Enthalpy changes and calorimetry (32:49)
16/07/2023 - Hess' Law and Bond Enthalpies (34:29)
03/09/2023 - Gibbs Free-Energy and Entropy (44:51)
1/10/2023 - Oxidation, Reduction, and Redox Equations (60:04)
8/10/2023 - Chemical Kinetics (42:11)
15/10/2023 - Equilibrium (38:57)
22/10/2023 - Acids and Bases (76:58)
12/11/2023 - Introduction to Organic Chemistry (73:35)
19/11 - Alkanes and Alkenes (72:11)
26/11 - Alcohols, Halogenoalkanes, and Ethers (55:58)
03/12 - Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic Acids, and Estersesson (45:36)
10/12 - Thermodynamics (55:30)
17/12 - Transition Metals (54:16)
07/01 - Reaction Mechanisms and Organic Synthesis (61:51)
14/01/2023 - Aromatic Compounds (77:05)
21/01 - Amines and Amides (60:35)
28/01 - Polymers (44:15)
04/02 - Nitrogen Compounds (58:12)
11/02 - Organic Analysis Techniques (62:28)
25/02 - Coordination Compounds (114:30)
10/03 - Enthalpy and Entropy Changes (55:04)
17/03 - Organic Chemistry Techniques (71:21)
24/03 - Organic Reactions (69:27)
31/03 - Organic Synthesis (80:30)
09/04 - Transition Metal Reactions (Y12) (69:40)
14/04 - Organic Analysis (Y13) (69:20)
21/04 - Group 7 Elements (Y12) (83:11)
28/04 - Group 2 and Group 14 (Y13) (65:54)
05/05 - Enthalpy Changes (Y12) (70:17)
12/05 - Kinetics (Y13) (80:38)
19/05 - Electrochemistry (Y12) (59:24)
26/05 - Organic Synthesis (Y13) (62:20)
02/06 - Review and Q&A Session (Y12) (64:07)
09/06 - Review and Q&A Session (Y13) (67:41)
16/06 - Mock Exam (Y12)
23/06 -- Mock Exam (Y13) (57:41)
Chemistry Recordings - 2024-2025
19/10/2024 - Exam Practice (AQA) (61:58)
2/11/2024 - Electrochemistry and Redox Reactions (196:28)
9/11/2024 - Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry (68:43)
16/11/2024 (63:54)
23/11/2024 (59:18)
30/11/2024 (44:46)
07/12/2024 (56:40)
14/12/2024 (64:20)
21/12/2024 (58:11)
18/01/2025 (61:49)
25/01/2025 (58:31)
1/02/2025 (62:22)
8/02/2025 (58:06)
15/02/2025 (59:54)
22/02/2025 (57:38)
8/03/2025 (59:34)
15/03/2025 (59:41)
22/03/2025 (60:18)
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